Monday, June 22, 2009

Red Team Project Ideas

I've been completely off the grid for the past few days, so I have a lot of catching up to do. In general, our group is putting together a web site that can be used by our current or future students as a one-stop online resource for information, links, and files regarding their areas of study. Each section of the page will be unique to the group member who creates it. Sharon and Alejandro are music education majors, and I'm a dance education major, and our individual pages will be focused on the specific uses for technology and teaching in our discipline. We feel there is a need for a concise, easy-to-navigate hub of information that can connect our students to the vast technological resources that are available to them.

We will need a main page, with a brief description of the project (maybe something similar to what I wrote above?), and links to our individual pages, again with a brief description of the site content. The other thing we should include on this main page are links to the course website and our own homepages.

My dance page is going to be laid out something like this:
Greetings (web site is intended for my future students, so I'll try to set that up here)
Links to Class Materials (syllabus, assignments, assessment forms)
Links to media files (you tube videos, articles, webpages)
Links to Dance websites (helpful sites for students to explore)
Links to student/class work (a place to post, view, and share our work from class)

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